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A tribute to wisdom, transformation, and intuition. Inspired by the
sleek and mysterious serpent, this piece embodies resilience,
elegance, and inner power. In Chinese tradition, the snake
symbolizes the ability to navigate life’s twists with grace. Wear it as a
reminder of your strength, adaptability, and the infinite possibilities

Sacred Serpent Ring

  • Adjustable

Jeanny Grace

"Poupette NY Jewelry makes me feel unique and creative. Each piece is beautifully designed and crafted with a special touch, perfect for expressing my style!"

Zsófi Harsànyi

"Original, feminine, empowering, beautiful and high quality. These are the main words and feelings that are coming to my mind when I wear those pieces. I love to wear them everyday, and mix them according to my mood and the occasion. It can be simple, clean and very delicate but also a bit edgy and wild depending on how I decide to mix and wear them. "

vanessa muraouR

Poupette NY crée des bijoux d une finesse et d une délicatesse remarquables. Chaque bijou reflète son univers et raconte une histoire, la sienne. On y retrouve toute sa sensibilité et son talent. Je suis fan de son travail.
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